on est prêt


Next Tuesday, 24 October, the European Parliament's ENVI Committee will vote on the PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation). We need you right now to help us fight plastic pollution by reaching out to key members of the European Parliament!

writing to members of parliament !

By clicking on the button above, an email written by the On est Prêt movement in partnership with the international Break Free From Plastic movement and Surfrider Foundation Europe will be generated automatically. All you have to do is press send!

For your information, by sending this e-mail you will also be kept informed of the progress of the campaign soon to be launched by On est Prêt on this theme. You can of course unsubscribe at any time.

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together we are stronger

Find the text to send and the MEPs' emails below to go further/if the buttons don't work with your email application:

RIES Frédérique -
SALINI Massimiliano,

“Dear members of the ENVI Commission, 

Make "reduce and reuse" a reality by making it THE priority of the new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) legislation. We urge you to champion ambitious reduction and reuse targets by:
- Setting ambitious goals for waste reduction and packaging reuse.
- Reducing waste generated by the catering AND take-away sectors.
- Not giving in to the "throwaway" lobbies who refuse to reuse packaging in the fast-food sector on the basis of spurious arguments. 
- Safeguarding citizens’ health by prohibiting the use of hazardous substances in packaging, including PFAS and bisphenols.

By prioritizing these initiatives within the PPWR legislation, we have an unparalleled opportunity to revolutionize packaging practices and lead the way in sustainable solutions ! 

Thank you for your dedication to this crucial cause. We look forward to your steadfast support.”

Commission Industrie :

Commission Environnement :

Vote AGAINST the devastating derogation of the Amazon rainforest in Guyana!


The Amazon rainforest in French Guiana is directly threatened by the development of industrial biomass production. In your capacity as shadow rapporteur for the Renewable Energy Directive, we ask you to oppose a derogation from the sustainability and GHG emission reduction criteria renewed in the draft directive for the outermost territories and applying to French Guiana (see page 62 point gb) of the draft directive RED III(https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0317_EN.pdf)).

As the trialogue on this matter will be held on February 7th. We count on your support to oppose this drift away from the EU's ambitions on climate protection and the fight against deforestation. Indeed, France intends to make use of the derogation introduced by the REDII directive and aggravated by the revision of the RED III directive to ratify a draft decree (https://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/projet-de-decret-definissant-des-derogations-aux-a2786.html) aiming to encourage the replacement of thousands of hectares of forest, which are very rich in biodiversity and represent an important carbon stock, by intensive plantations of trees and plants for energy purposes, notably for the space sector. It is therefore necessary to correct this text and to prevent possible abuses now.

Moreover, these projects threaten the rights of the indigenous peoples of French Guiana, in particular their right to free, prior and informed consultation, but also access to land for local farmers and therefore the food autonomy of this territory.

This derogation is in total contradiction with the European ambitions while the Commission, the Parliament and (to a lesser extent) the Council have rightly proposed to exclude primary and old-growth forests, rich in biodiversity, and wetlands from the areas where biomass production can be subsidized, because of the disproportionate impact of their destruction on climate and biodiversity.

But it is especially in contradiction with the content of the recently adopted European Regulation on deforestation-free products, which includes wood energy.

We defend the forest of Guyana, rich in biodiversity still far from having been inventoried by scientists and we oppose this derogation blind to current issues, contrary to European ambitions in terms of renewable energy, energy efficiency, the regulation to fight against imported deforestation and more generally in terms of climate protection, biodiversity and respect for the rights of the first peoples of Guiana.

We ask you to intervene with the rapporteur and the other shadow rapporteurs concerned in order to cancel this derogation or at least to suspend its effects for the time of a thorough impact study regarding the respect of the protection of the above-mentioned interests and of the coherence with the European texts concerned.  

You will find here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a5r91WaF7YNRRZ9MfQtcTxazSuXhmmRn/view, the synthetic file written by Maiouri Nature Guyane Association with the support of Collectif des Premières nations de Guyane (First Nations Group), Jeunesses autochtones de Guyane (Native Youth of Guyana), Fern, Canopée Forêt Vivantes (Canopy, Living Forest NGO) et Sauvons la Forêt (Rettet den Regenwald eV). This file contains in particular their press release presenting the arguments against this Guianese derogation. 

Thank you.

The Amazon rainforest in French Guiana is directly threatened by the development of industrial biomass production. In your capacity as shadow rapporteur for the Renewable Energy Directive, we ask you to oppose a derogation from the sustainability and GHG emission reduction criteria renewed in the draft directive for the outermost territories and applying to French Guiana (see page 62 point gb) of the draft directive RED III(https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0317_EN.pdf)).

As the trialogue on this matter will be held on February 7th. We count on your support to oppose this drift away from the EU's ambitions on climate protection and the fight against deforestation. Indeed, France intends to make use of the derogation introduced by the REDII directive and aggravated by the revision of the RED III directive to ratify a draft decree (https://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/projet-de-decret-definissant-des-derogations-aux-a2786.html) aiming to encourage the replacement of thousands of hectares of forest, which are very rich in biodiversity and represent an important carbon stock, by intensive plantations of trees and plants for energy purposes, notably for the space sector. It is therefore necessary to correct this text and to prevent possible abuses now.

Moreover, these projects threaten the rights of the indigenous peoples of French Guiana, in particular their right to free, prior and informed consultation, but also access to land for local farmers and therefore the food autonomy of this territory.

This derogation is in total contradiction with the European ambitions while the Commission, the Parliament and (to a lesser extent) the Council have rightly proposed to exclude primary and old-growth forests, rich in biodiversity, and wetlands from the areas where biomass production can be subsidized, because of the disproportionate impact of their destruction on climate and biodiversity.

But it is especially in contradiction with the content of the recently adopted European Regulation on deforestation-free products, which includes wood energy.

We defend the forest of Guyana, rich in biodiversity still far from having been inventoried by scientists and we oppose this derogation blind to current issues, contrary to European ambitions in terms of renewable energy, energy efficiency, the regulation to fight against imported deforestation and more generally in terms of climate protection, biodiversity and respect for the rights of the first peoples of Guiana.

We ask you to intervene with the rapporteur and the other shadow rapporteurs concerned in order to cancel this derogation or at least to suspend its effects for the time of a thorough impact study regarding the respect of the protection of the above-mentioned interests and of the coherence with the European texts concerned.  

You will find here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a5r91WaF7YNRRZ9MfQtcTxazSuXhmmRn/view, the synthetic file written by Maiouri Nature Guyane Association with the support of Collectif des Premières nations de Guyane (First Nations Group), Jeunesses autochtones de Guyane (Native Youth of Guyana), Fern, Canopée Forêt Vivantes (Canopy, Living Forest NGO) et Sauvons la Forêt (Rettet den Regenwald eV). This file contains in particular their press release presenting the arguments against this Guianese derogation. 

Thank you.